Relieve Menopause Symptoms Without Risking Cancer From HRT

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. When will it get easier? These are questions that a lot of women are asking themselves right now.

Those are the questions menopausal women have struggled with for several generations. Many women try to eliminate the symptoms of menopause through hormone replacement therapy (HRT); others used alternatives like herbal treatment.

Now, despite the recent advancements in hormone therapy, it’s still tough for menopausal woman to find a treatment that is reliable, quick, and cost efficient.

The way I feel is not normal. I can’t even do half of what I used to do now without stopping to get some rest. I’m too young to feel this old yet.

Now more than ever, menopausal women are starting to experience multiple symptoms that turns the life they once had into a hormone nightmare. “There are so many things that can be attributed to menopause, and the symptoms come and go, sometimes in phases.” Janet R. a retired senior in Riverside, California told us.

Many women are starting to look for alternative treatments outside of traditional methods. Increasingly more and more menopausal women are turning to natural, herbal treatments to relieve their symptoms.

My muscles are always stiff after sitting or laying down. I force myself to push through the pain, all the while hoping I don’t fall before the pain subsides again. This is no way to live.

]”Yes, menopause can be difficult to manage. It is not a disease, but it still affects your body physically and mentally. Using coping strategies and natural treatment options like MenoPlay can help you to live very well during and after menopause.” Carina Ryder CMP and North American Menopause Society stated.

“Back then there weren’t the scares about breast cancer and heart disease when using HRT.” said Carol Barnes retired British Broadcaster for ITN. “I stayed on HRT for about six years. But then as more reports started to come out that raised concerns about it, I started to feel uneasy and decided to come off it.

Sure enough, as I came off the HRT the symptoms returned, but now I was also getting night sweats, which would leave me drenched in perspiration. So I did some research and decided to try out natural remedies that were supposed to be help alleviate menopausal symptoms.

I feel my symptoms are too vague for a medical professional. God only knows how many test my doctor would have to put me through! I just need a simple way to stop these awful symptoms

I searched online and found a herbal supplement called MenoPlay, which contained nearly all the natural ingredients known to help minimize menopausal symptoms. I took a capsule daily, really seemed to do the trick.

It was quite incredible – after just a week, the hot flashes and sweating went away. It also seemed to help with all the other symptoms. I slept better, probably because I no longer had the night sweats, and it seemed to put me on an even keel mood-wise.

In some ways, I wish I had tried the alternative route sooner. But when I first started going through the menopause, there wasn’t as much information on the subject as there is now.

Now, women have so many options – including conventional methods such as HRT, if that’s what they want. But there are also many wonderful alternatives which really work.”

If you are experiencing harsh symptoms due to menopause and want to learn more about natural treatments that will help eliminate those symptoms you can learn more information at: or click the button below:

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  • September 20, 2017
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