
Category Archives for "Menopause"

Relieve Menopause Symptoms Without Risking Cancer From HRT

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. When will it get easier? These are questions that a lot of women are asking themselves right now.

Those are the questions menopausal women have struggled with for several generations. Many women try to eliminate the symptoms of menopause through hormone replacement therapy (HRT); others used alternatives like herbal treatment.

Now, despite the recent advancements in hormone therapy, it’s still tough for menopausal woman to find a treatment that is reliable, quick, and cost efficient.

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  • September 20, 2017

Couples Dealing with Menopause and Manopause

When a woman is going through mid-life changes it is most commonly referred to as menopause. It is a well-known subject. It often becomes labeled as the source of all problems. These are problems that take place during the menopause years.

It is true that a menopausal woman has a lot to deal with. Her partner and family members don’t understand what she is coping with. What can go undetected is, the man is also going through Manopause. This is technically known as Andropause.

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  • May 2, 2017

An Expert Review of 4 Natural Supplements that Ease Menopausal Symptoms

So your doctor told you to “suck it up”. All these changes happening to your body and mood—and your dastardly sweat glands—are normal.

Just deal with it.

Oh nay, we say! Now we don’t want to lessen your doctor’s expertise or the grueling years of studies he/she has underwent to obtain their license. But that’s just the thing: the curriculum most doctor’s are taught hasn’t been updated in decades.

There are myriads of sound scientific studies that show just how effective natural products can be in easing your dreaded “change of life.” And we’re not talking about the latest media-fueled trends. A lot of these natural products have been used for thousands of years—unbeknown to us in the West—in cultures varying from Native Americans to ancient Egyptians and across Europe, China and Japan.

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  • April 25, 2017

Taking Control of The Common Fears of Menopause

Not Knowing What To Expect

One of the most common fears about menopause is simply fearing the unknown. Chances are you have heard other women talk about their menopause experiences. Some of what they said may have been downright frightening. Comments like….

“ I thought I was going crazy”

“ I was always sad and crying a lot”

“I felt like I hated the whole world”

“I was sure something was seriously wrong with me”

These are just a few of many examples. They are all pretty scary. Nobody wants to feel this way. Yet, you know that you are definitely going to experience menopause. Does this mean you are going to feel this way too?

Some of these women did not fully understand the symptoms of menopause. This is what lead them to feel the way they did. If you take the time to educate yourself about menopause you can avoid a lot of these feelings as described.

There are a lot of symptoms that come with menopause. It doesn’t mean that you will get every one of them. Also, you may not get them as severe as what some other women do.

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  • April 21, 2017

The Relationships of Common Diseases and Menopause

There is no question that menopause certainly does cause a change of life for women. It does bring with it some new challenges that have to be dealt with. What these challenges are will vary from one woman to another.  It is suspected that some menopausal women may be at risk for some diseases. As a woman who is going to deal with menopause or already is, you need to be aware of what some of these are.

Looking at High Risk Realistically

A lot of women have different fears when it comes to menopause. One of these is being put at higher risk for some types of diseases. It is normal to fear disease. There are times where the potential risk increase in menopause is over-played. It has to be remembered that menopause and age are related to each other. It is commonly accepted that when people age they are more at risk for some diseases. What this means is making sure that extra precautions are put in place.

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  • April 16, 2017

Help! Mom Is Going Through Menopause!

Every family has their ups and downs and their disagreements. For the teens in the house, this can be just as trying as it is for the adults. When Mom is going through menopause, this can take the household to a whole different realm. You can bet Mom is having a tough time and so is Dad, but what about you! It does affect you too, but if you are willing to put a little bit of time and effort into this, you can really make things a lot easier. This will be better not only for you, but for both your parents and your siblings.

You are most likely focused on how Mom’s menopause is affecting you. If you are female, it may be totally different than the challenges that your brother is facing.

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  • April 12, 2017

Menopause News Alerts And Staying Informed

News about menopause

Menopause in the News

There are a lot of women that really don’t like the thought of entering their menopause years. Some feel this way because they are frightened of the symptoms that come with it. Others feel that they are going to be past their prime. Then others do not want to end their childbearing years.

Menopause is a fact of life and it is not something that is likely ever going to be reversed. However, there is a great deal of studies and experimentations taking place when it comes to menopause. The news media often presents some exciting information about this, but it often gets overlooked.

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  • April 6, 2017

20 Symptoms of Menopause

accumulated menopause symptoms

Have you been wondering about what happens in menopause? Are you looking for strategies for coping with menopause and its symptoms? Here is a guide to some of the most common menopause symptoms and suggestions for coping with them.

1. Changes in Periods

Changes in the menstrual cycle are among the most common and widely recognized symptoms of approaching menopause. Menstrual cycle changes may start several years before a woman’s periods ultimately stop. During this period of perimenopause, periods can be unpredictable. It is most common for periods to start coming closer together and be heavier than they had been before.

What causes menstrual changes? Fluctuations in estrogen levels.

What to do about it.

  • Be prepared. Don’t let an “early” period catch you off guard. Always carry tampons or pads with you.
  • Keep a menstrual calendar. Even though keeping a calendar won’t precisely predict when your next period will start, it may provide you with information to help you feel more secure. If you know you’re on day 12 of your cycle, you’ll know you probably don’t need to worry so much about your period starting. On the other hand, if you’re on day 23 and your periods have been coming every 25 to 28 days, you’ll know to be more vigilant.
  • Get an app. There are several free apps available on iOS and Android platforms, geared toward tracking perimenopausal symptoms and periods. Some of them alert you that your period will be starting soon. Others provide a daily update as to where you are in your cycle.
  • If your periods are completely out-of-control and having a significant impact on your life, seek care from your health care provider.

2. Hot Flashes

You find yourself sitting in an important meeting, in a comfortably air-conditioned room. Everyone around you is focused on the topic at hand when your chest and face start to feel flushed, and you break out in a sweat. Ugh. Hot flashes usually start during the last few years of perimenopause. It used to be thought that hot flashes stopped after a woman’s last period. We have since learned that many women continue to have hot flashes after menopause – sometimes for as long as 10 or more years after menopause.

What causes hot flashes? We aren’t entirely sure, but hope to have an answer soon.

What to do about it.

  • Stop smoking. Smokers tend to have hot flashes for a longer period of time than non-smokers.
  • Limit how much alcohol you drink, or, better yet, stop drinking entirely. Alcohol is a hot flash trigger for many women. The same goes for caffeine, hot drinks and spicy foods.
  • Exercise. Women who exercise regularly tend to have fewer and less severe hot flashes.
  • Dress in layers. A cardigan sweater worn over a blouse can easily be taken off during that meeting. A thick wool turtleneck worn with just a bra underneath – that’s going to have to stay on. Wearing layers, you’ll have more control over your body temperature in places where you may not be able to control the ambient temperature.
  • Breathe deeply. Starting some deep breathing with the initial symptoms of a hot flash can minimize the severity of the hot flash.
  • Seek help. Your healthcare provider can talk to you about the hormonal and non-hormonal medical therapies available to reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes.

3. Night sweats

Night sweats are hot flashes that occur during sleep. It is not unusual to wake soaked in sweat, thinking that maybe there’s a water leak through your bedroom ceiling. Like hot flashes, some women will continue to experience night sweats for years after menopause.

What causes night sweats? As kin to hot flashes, we really aren’t sure.

What to do about it.

  • Follow the suggestions for coping with hot flashes. Even though we don’t understand what causes these vasomotor symptoms, we are certain that hot flashes and nights sweats are similar in origin.
  • Layers, again, are the key. Several light blankets will allow you to cover up or shed blankets throughout the night, whereas using one big, thick comforter won’t provide that flexibility.
  • Keep an ice pack under your pillow. This way, when you feel yourself getting warm, all you have to do is flip your pillow over for refreshment.

sleep problems with menopause

4. Problems Sleeping

There’s a lot to be said about menopause and sleep. But does menopause cause insomnia? Maybe. As we age, our sleep patterns change. This is true for both women and men.

What causes sleeping problems? Menopause is not to blame for all of the factors that contribute to sleeping problems. On the other hand, menopausal symptoms, such as night sweats, can cause you to wake up in the middle of the night.

What to do about it.

  • Adhere to a regular sleep schedule, regardless of the day of the week. Going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time every day help your mind and body know when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to be awake.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant and caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. It may sound logical to use alcohol and caffeine do get through your days and nights, but ultimately they do you no favors.
  • Maintain a normal weight. People who are overweight have a higher incidence of sleep apnea which contributes to poor sleep.
  • Exercise. Exercise in the morning or the afternoon. Exercising too close to bedtime can cause insomnia.

5. Painful Sex

Sex has so many health benefits. Sex reduces stress, helps regulate blood pressure, boosts immunity and helps improve sleep. It’s an important form of intimacy in many relationships, but when it hurts, it’s not going to happen.

What causes it? Painful intercourse after menopause may be due to structural changes in the vulva and vagina related to lower levels estrogen. The tissue can become thinner and more delicate. With lower levels of estrogen, menopausal women may not lubricate well enough for sexual activity to be comfortable.

What to do about it.

  • Have more sex. Frequent sexual activity helps maintain good blood flow to the vagina and vulva, which helps prevent the tissue of the vagina and vulva from becoming thin and delicate.
  • Use lube. There are so many personal lubricants on the market, you’re bound to find one that works for you.
  • Experiment with different positions during sex, especially those in which you have more control over when and how any penetration might happen. Sometimes a different angle is all it takes.
  • Communicate with your partner about what you do and do not like. Doing something you don’t like is not going to be stimulating.
  • Consult a sex therapist or a health care provider who specializes in menopause or female sexual function.

6. Dry Vagina

Vaginal dryness is about more than not lubricating well during sexual activity. Vaginal dryness can be irritating and may distract from daily functioning Excessive itching can lead to more serious problems.

What causes vaginal dryness? Vaginal changes during menopause can be attributed to lower levels of estrogen in the body.

What to do about it.

  • Have more sex, alone or with a partner. Sexual stimulation of any kind will increase blood flow to the area and help maintain moisture.
  • Use a personal lubricant daily, but avoid products with fragrance and artificial coloring.
  • Wash with warm water only. If you must use soap, avoid those with fragrance and artificial coloring. A pure castile soap or glycerin soap is your best bet.
  • Avoid douching and using feminine powders and feminine sprays. They can alter the pH of your vagina and add to vaginal symptoms rather than resolve them.
  • Consider vaginal estrogen treatment. Talk to your healthcare provider to learn if local estrogen therapy would be appropriate for you.

7. Urinary Problems

The urethra (the tube that carries urine out from the bladder) is situated inside the vagina. Changes in the tissue of the vagina have an effect on the tissue of the urethra. Perimenopausal women may involuntarily leak urine, especially when laughing, sneezing or coughing.

What causes urinary incontinence? Urinary incontinence may be caused by urinary tract infections, prolapse of the bladder (when the bladder starts to drop into the vagina), and overactive bladder syndrome for starters.

What to do about it.

  • Work your Kegel muscles.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine are irritants to the bladder.
  • Try pelvic floor physical therapy.
  • Do not hide. Overcome any embarrassment you may have and bring any urinary issues to the attention of your health care provider.
  • Once upon a time, surgery was a common approach to the treatment of urinary incontinence. Today, there are many effective, non-surgical treatments.

*See your healthcare provider to make sure you don’t have a urinary tract infection (UTI) or other medical condition. If you do have a urinary tract infection, or other condition, follow your provider’s recommendations for treatment.

mood swings menopause8. Mood Changes

There are links between menopause and depression, and links between menopause and anxiety. The mood swings of menopause may rival those of adolescence and pregnancy.

What causes mood changes? Fluctuating hormones, poor sleep and stress all contribute to mood changes during menopause.

What to do about it.

  • Find a menopause support group, or start one if there are none in your area. Talking about your experiences with other women going through it will lessen the isolation you may be feeling and help you gauge what is normal.
  • Exercise. Exercise has an amazing effect on stress and anxiety, and is a mood stabilizer. Do what you like to do. If you prefer to walk, don’t try to talk yourself into swimming or running a marathon. Just get out there and do it.
  • Spend time outdoors, during sunlight hours (while wearing sunscreen).
  • Reduce stress and increase relaxation.
  • Seek help. Psychotherapy and/or medication can help you through this time.

9. Hair Loss and Menopause

Hair loss in menopause is not uncommon. Female pattern baldness (hair loss or thinning on the crown of the head) and increased overall hair loss are associated with menopause. It would not be uncommon to find large clumps of hair in your brush.

What causes hair loss? There is a genetic predisposition to hair loss. If your parents had hair loss, there is a better chance that you will, too. Lower levels of estrogen, as well as the type of estrogen that predominates during menopause, contribute to hair loss.

What to do about it.

  • Exercise.
  • Reduce stress and increase relaxation.
  • Follow a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains.
  • Avoid harsh hair treatments like permanent waves and hair coloring.
  • While poor nutrition can cause hair loss, taking large amounts of vitamins/supplements will not reverse or slow hair loss.
  • There are medications approved for use in the treatment of some types of hair loss.

10. Hair Gain in All the Wrong Places

During perimenopause, facial hair sprouts randomly, primarily on the chin and over the upper lip.

What causes facial hair? Changes in the type of estrogen that are highest in our bodies during and after menopause. This type of estrogen has more androgenic (promoting physical characteristics more commonly found in men) effects.

What to do about it.

  • Tweezing, waxing, shaving, threading, and depilatory creams will remove hair temporarily.
  • For permanent hair removal, consider prescription medication, laser treatment, or electrolysis.

11. Libido Changes

There is an association between menopause and sex drive. The popular thought is that women lose interest in sex with menopause. This is true for some, but many women experience an increase in their sex drive. Either way, change in libido is most distressing if it is opposite that of your partner.

What causes libido changes? Fluctuating hormones. Stress. Relationship challenges.

What to do about it.

  • If partnered, talk about it. Talk about other factors or stressors in your life or relationship that might be affecting your interest in sex.
  • Sometimes, just having more sex can increase libido.
  • Review what medications you are taking with your health care provider. Some medications, like anti-depressants and opiate pain medications can decrease sex drive.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Exercise. Get good sleep.
  • Expand your sexual repertoire by trying something new.
  • Both hormonal and non-hormonal treatments are available from your health care provider.

migraines and menopause

12. Headaches

There is an association between migraines and menopause. Women who had cyclic/premenstrual migraines are most likely to experience an increase in migraines during the perimenopausal period. There is usually an overall decrease in migraines post menopause as hormonal levels become and stay relatively stable.

What causes headaches? Fluctuating levels of estrogen; migraines most typically occur when estrogen levels drop.

What to do about it.

  • Avoid common migraine triggers as much as possible. Red wine, hard cheeses, and other foods are migraine triggers for some people.
  • Get regular sleep.
  • Exercise may be a migraine trigger for some. Exercise will help reduce migraine frequency and severity in others.
  • Stop smoking. Smokers are more likely to have migraines.
  • NSAIDS – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen, that are available over-the-counter.
  • Prescription medications can be effective in treating migraines.

13. Cognitive Changes

Some people talk about a menopause brain fog. Others report forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating and slowed reflexes. The good (and interesting) news is that changes in cognition during perimenopause seem to resolve after menopause. Hormonal therapy is not recommended to address cognitive changes in menopause.

What cause cognitive changes? It is not clear if there are organic cognitive changes attributable to menopause so much as there are cognitive changes associated with menopausal symptoms like poor sleep quality, and stress, anxiety, and depression.

What to do about it.

  • Get regular sleep.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Do something new. You don’t have to learn calculus or astrophysics unless you want to. Something as simple as taking a walk in a new neighborhood can stimulate cognitive function.
  • Get help/support for anxiety and depression.

14. Weight

Weight gain is something that happens as we age. Weight gain, in and of itself, is not due to menopause. There are, however, menopause-related changes in the way that fat is distributed on the body, such that we tend to have more belly fat after menopause.

What causes changes in fat distribution? Lower levels of estrogen and a change in the type of estrogen that is predominant in the body after menopause.

What to do about it.

  • Exercise. Recommendations for the minimum amount of exercise are for 150 minutes of moderate exercise (fast walking) per week.
  • Diet is a lifestyle, not a passing fad. Take a walk to your local library and educate yourself about healthy eating and look into new cuisines. Mediterranean and Middle Eastern diets rely on fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains, and use seasonings that make food interesting. Community hospitals often offer free nutrition classes.
  • Consult a nutritionist.
  • Make it a group effort. Exercise and make dietary changes with friends for support.

15. Skin changes

Some women experience acne during menopause. Skin may become dry and tissue paper like, and show more characteristics of aging, such as wrinkling.

What causes skin changes? Lower levels of estrogen.

What to do about it.

  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure.
  • Wear sunscreen daily, even during the winter. Many makeup lines have SPF foundation that works just as well.
  • Consult a dermatologist.
  • Consider hormone therapy.

eye problems and menopause

16. Eye Changes

Menopausal women are more likely to have dry eye syndrome.

What causes eye changes? Probably lower levels of estrogen. We know that there are hormone receptors in parts of the eye. We know that dry eye syndrome happens with increasing age, and that women experience dry eye syndrome more often than men do. We make an inference that the increased incidence in women is hormonally mediated.

What to do about it.

  • Use over-the-counter artificial tears to keep eyes moist.
  • Consult an ophthalmologist.
  • Hormone therapy may or may not be helpful.

17. Breast Pain and Tenderness

Breast pain and tenderness are most noticeable during the earlier states of perimenopause. Breast symptoms typically become less severe as perimenopause progresses.

What causes breast changes? Fluctuating hormone levels.

What to do about it.

  • Wear a properly fitted, supportive bra.
  • Invest in a supportive sports bra to wear while you exercise.
  • For some women, warm compresses can provide temporary relief. For other, ice packs work better. You’ll have to experiment to figure out what works best for you.
  • NSAIDS – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can provide temporary relief.
  • Your health care provider can provide other recommendations.

18. Joint Pain

While joint pain can be related to arthritis, many women experience joint pain during menopause that has no known pathological basis.

What causes joint pain? It’s not entirely clear, but it is likely hormonal.

What to do about it.

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Women who are overweight tend to have more joint pain throughout perimenopause.
  • Get treatment for depression. For reasons not entirely understood, women who experience depression during perimenopause are more likely to experience joint pain.
  • Hormonal therapy has been found to be effective in relieving joint pain.
  • NSAIDs – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can provide temporary relief.

irregular heartbeat and menopause

19. Irregular heartbeat

Palpitations and feeling “skipped beats” are common experiences during perimenopause, especially during hot flashes and night sweats. Much of the time, palpitations are benign; palpitations that are accompanied by chest pain, pain in the neck, arms, upper or mid- back, a feeling of severe heartburn or shortness of breath require immediate medical attention.

What causes an irregular heartbeat? It’s not entirely clear why perimenopausal women experience more palpitations.

What to do about it.

  • First of all, make sure you do not have an underlying heart problem. A basic medical evaluation would include a physical exam and EKG. A more extensive workup may be recommended based on your symptoms and the exam findings.
  • As palpitations are most often associated with vasomotor symptoms, follow the suggestions for reducing hot flashes and night sweats.

20. Dental changes

Osteoporosis (loss of bone density) is a common postmenopausal health condition. Osteoporosis can cause tooth loss.

What causes tooth loss? Tooth decay and gum disease are the most common culprits. Loss of bone density in the jaw, related to osteoporosis can also lead to tooth loss.

What to do about it.

  • Eat well. Avoid starchy foods, especially those made with refined white flour and sugar.
  • Make brushing and flossing a twice daily habit.
  • Have regular dental cleanings and exams, and promptly address any dental problems.
  • Prevent and treat osteoporosis.
  • April 4, 2017

Taking the Fear Out Of Premature Menopause

premature menopause fear

How to Deal With Premature Menopause

Most young ladies know that in the future they are going to have to deal with menopause. When this arrives sooner than expected it is called premature menopause.

While there are differences of opinions as to the age range for menopause, most experts speculate that it normally begins around the age of forty. It is generally considered that menopause occurring before this is classed as premature menopause.

Causes of Premature Menopause

Naturally Occurring Causes

premenopause and autoimmune system

Sometimes there are no outside causes of premature menopause, and it can occur for a variety of reasons such as….

Diseases of the Autoimmune System

The body’s immune system is there to help every person fight off disease. It is the body’s defense mechanism. For some reason, the immune system may suddenly turn on the ovaries in the woman’s reproductive system. If it does, it can stop the ovaries from being able to make hormones. Sometimes this is a result of different types of diseases such as disease of the thyroid or rheumatoid arthritis.


There is a great deal of speculation that genetics can play a role in premature menopause. If a woman looks back into the history of the females in her family she may discover that many of them had an early menopause. If this is the case, then chances are she will also have the same experience.

Defects In Chromosomes

Chromosomes are what make up your DNA. If there are some irregularities in these it could lead to early menopause. In some instances, the ovaries do not perform as they should and this can lead to premature menopause.

Medical Procedures Leading to Premature Menopause

problems with ovaries


This is a surgical procedure that entails the removal of the ovaries. There can be a variety of reasons why this procedure may need to be done. Once it has been completed, menopause starts relatively fast as the hormone drop is quick.


A hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus but does not necessarily mean that the ovaries will also be removed during this surgical procedure. If the ovaries are left then the woman will not have to deal with an early menopause. She could end up having hot flashes. This is simply because the ovaries are not receiving the same blood supply as they did prior to the surgery. Some women who have had a hysterectomy find that they may enter into menopause slightly earlier than average, by about a year or two.

Some Cancer Treatments

Women who require radiation or some forms of chemotherapy for cancer may find that these treatments damage the ovaries. This is to such an extent that the menstrual cycle may cease altogether. This is not always the case, and not all chemotherapy treatments create this sort of outcome.

diagnosis for premenopause

Getting a Positive Diagnosis

If you are going through the surgical procedures, your health care provider should explain exactly what you can expect and whether you will experience premature menopause. There are times where the diagnosis could be primary ovarian insufficiency. If this is the case then it is referring to where the activity in the ovaries has decreased.

For whatever reason the ovaries are not working to full capacity there are times where the ovaries may still make hormones intermittently. When this happens the menstrual cycle can start up again. There is a possibility that a pregnancy can occur if the ovaries are producing hormones.

The symptoms may be indicating premature menopause. There are blood tests that can be done to determine if the estrogen levels are low, and the follicle-stimulating hormone is high.

Dealing with the Diagnosis

Once the diagnosis of premature menopause has been made then it means having to deal with the symptoms that are going to come with it. How a woman deals with this is partially going to depend on the cause. This will be determined according to whether the cause of the premature menopause was as a result of surgery or disease, or whether it has occurred naturally.

Long Term Side Effects of Premature Menopause


For any woman that is going through menopause, there is the risk of osteoporosis. For those that are younger that are dealing with it, the general consensus is that they will live several more years with this threat. For some, it will become a reality.

menopause and premature aging

Possible Premature Aging

Aging is inevitable and regular menopause symptoms do include some aging factors. There are some indications that those with early menopause may age faster. This is because some of the structures that protect the DNA are affected. These are what is called Telomeres. There were some studies done in the past to indicate that shortened Telomeres occur with early menopause, which could have an impact on the aging process.

Greater Risk for Heart Disease

It is strongly suggested that women who enter into premature menopause naturally have a higher rate of heart failure. The reason for this is that it is believed that estrogen levels that are high help to keep cholesterol levels at a healthier level.

Some Positive Aspects of Early Menopause

One of the positive aspects regarding premature menopause is that you may have a lower risk of having breast cancer. The same applies to ovarian cancer. While there still needs to be further research and studies into this, it does place a positive note on entering into menopause early.

staying healthy with premenopause

What Do the Potential Long Term Effects Mean?

Each and every one of the long-term effects is serious. You will need to take a positive approach in understanding that you are simply at a higher risk than other women. You can take as many preventative steps as possible to help reduce the risks. Many individuals are at risk for some of these conditions even without menopause being a factor.

It all comes down to you have a greater responsibility of taking good care of yourself. You need to really focus on your diet. This will make sure you are getting the proper nutrition to help with conditions such as osteoporosis and will help you to focus on heart healthy meals. At the same time avoid those things that are going to increase your risks such as smoking, excess drinking and eating too many fatty foods. This is a two-step approach, but one that is going to add additional benefits. By eating healthy, getting enough rest, and proper exercise you are going to feel better overall.


Dealing with the Aftermath of Medically Induced Premature Menopause

If you have ended up being one of the women that have been forced into menopause because of cancer or for the removal of your ovaries, then you also have to deal with the side effects of these. In the case of surgery, there is the recovery period that follows. There are indications that you may also experience some of the standard menopause symptoms fairly quickly because of the quick drop in estrogen, as a result of the surgery.

In the case of chemotherapy and/or radiation that can cause premature menopause, the transition into premature menopause may be a little slower. This will be determined by the way these substances affect your body.

Let Your Body Heal

From a physical standpoint, your body needs time to heal. You need to work closely with your health care providers to help prepare you for what to expect during your healing period. Make sure you focus on the instructions they give. Knowing that you are about to enter premature menopause gives you a little time to prepare for it. You can learn more about what to expect, and what you can do to help cope with it. You are going to have both physical and mental factors to deal with.

The Physical Factors

No doubt you have heard about the common menopause symptoms that you could end up having. They may be a little more intense depending on the circumstances.

When it comes to the hot flashes and night sweats their intensity will mostly revolve around the number of times you have to deal with them. You may get quite a bit of flushing, which is a redness of the skin. While these are not pleasant after you have experienced them a few times you will get used to them.

As mentioned, you may find that you have to be more astute regarding your aging. If you pay particular attention to your skin and hair you should find that you experience some really positive results. All it means is that you cannot put off this type of special care figuring you will deal with it in later years.

The Mental Factors

Any woman going through menopause usually has some types of mental factors to deal with. In your case going through premature menopause this may present you with some extra mental challenges.

mental factors and premenopause


It could be that infertility is going to be one of your biggest challenges, and maybe one of the biggest factors that you have to work through on a mental level. If you have not had the opportunity to give birth or you have a desire to have more children, you need to check out what your options are and if these include IVF.

You and Your Spouse

Not only do you have to deal with your early menopause, your partner does as well. The key to you both getting through this with minimal impact is communication. It is really important that both you and your spouse become educated about what menopause is. This way you are familiar with the symptoms, and what steps you can take to handle them together.

One of the symptoms that you may experience is a reduced interest in sex. This is particularly difficult being as you and your partner most likely were consistently sexually active in the past. Your partner still has sexual needs, and your recognizing this may be putting extra mental stress on you.

One of the additional reasons you may be hesitant about having sex is because you are experiencing another symptom of menopause which is vaginal dryness. Some women even experience urinary inflammation. All of these make having sex most uncomfortable.

There are several treatments and medications that can be used to help with these problems. Keeping open communication with your partner as to what you are feeling physically and mentally will help to reduce your stress level. This may help you to be more sexually receptive.

therapy for premenopause

 Medications to Help with Early Menopause

There is a lot of controversy over using medications to help with the symptoms of menopause such as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Before making your final decision as to whether this is right for you or whether other medications are appropriate, you need to ….

  • Determine if your symptoms are severe enough that they warrant taking medications for them.
  • Learn what your options are for medications, then do a thorough review of these so you are educated about their risks and their potential side effects.
  • Discuss your options in detail with your health care provider. Make sure you fully disclose what your menopause symptoms are, as well as their frequency and intensity. Also, be open about your low sexual drive if you are experiencing this.
  • Be sure to check out what other options there are such as natural medications. More information is becoming available as to natural substances that are much safer and are quite effective.

Once you know what your options are and you have educated yourself about them, then have a thorough discussion with your partner about these. It will be far easier for you to make decisions about them if you have your spouse’s input and support.

If you decide to go with any type of medication then make sure you follow all of the instructions. Monitor your health status regularly to see if you are getting the desired results, and there are no repercussions to them.

Your Outlook is Going to Dictate Your Mental Status

As a woman that is going through premature menopause, no doubt you feel that you have been handed a bad deal. You believe that if this had occurred in the normal years you could have handled it much easier. You are going to have to deal with some of the mental aspects that come with menopause no matter what the age. These may be symptoms such as being irritable, sadness, mood swings and even depression. You may also be dealing with a negative aspect to what is happening to you. If so, these mental symptoms are most likely going to be far more severe, and more difficult for you to get a handle on. They are really going to have a negative impact on your lifestyle.

You are Still You

You are going to have days where you feel miserable and question as to what has happened to the old you. What you need to realize is that you are still you. Make it a point to take control of your premature menopause. Don’t let it control you. While you cannot stop it, you can do a lot to make it less intense.

As time progresses and with you keeping a positive attitude you can go on through life with minimal changes in your lifestyle. It is most important that you have as much support as possible.

As mentioned, keeping an open and ongoing communication with your partner is going to be your greatest step. Then make sure you have a health care provider that you feel confident with, and can talk openly with. You need to have trust in this professional especially if you are opting for some forms of medicine. Then another resource you may want to seek out is a counselor that specializes in premature menopause. Sometimes just having a neutral person to talk to can really help. This is especially true if you are hitting some rocky patches with your partner.

If you are in a career you may be concerned about how your premature menopause is going to affect you in the working world. Take a proactive approach for dealing with the symptoms that may be affecting this.

You will soon find that you are able to identify your menopause symptoms quickly. When they are presenting themselves you can take immediate steps to deal with them. It is really important that you don’t allow yourself to fall into a rut over any of your symptoms. For example, if sleep disorders are something you have to deal with then approach this as a challenge. Try to find some solutions to help you combat the effects of this. It may mean that you need to make some lifestyle modifications. This is better than allowing yourself to become totally exhausted, which will only compound the other symptoms that you may be dealing with.

Keep yourself aware of what progress is being made in the medical world concerning premature menopause and dealing with the transition. Also, exercise caution regarding natural treatments that claim to be the cure for the symptoms that you are dealing with. It is not uncommon for a lot of women to spend a fortune on supplements that are touted as menopause symptom reducers. Many of these have not been proven in regards to their effectiveness.

  • April 2, 2017

Making Menopause a Family Affair

family affected by menopause

Dealing with menopause is not something that you should be ashamed of or embarrassed about when you have to cope with the many different side effects that can come with it. Most likely this time in your life is also having an effect on members of your family. This may be making it difficult for you to deal with the transition of menopause. There are many positive steps that you can take to make this experience one that will be easier to cope with for you and your family

Menopause Recognition

The first thing you need to recognize is that you are in menopause. Many women are not familiar with all of the symptoms that come with it. When experiencing some of the signs of menopause they become worried that there may be something seriously going wrong with their health. This can apply to both the physical and mental symptoms.

Any person, man or woman that is experiencing changes in their body that are causing them concerns should seek out medical advice. If you find yourself going through some physical or mental changes it would be a good idea to have a medical exam. Once your Doctor confirms that you are going through menopause, this professional can also give you some good advice concerning this.


menopause and family communication

Communication with all members of your family is going to be important throughout the entire time that you are going through menopause. This transition can last from two to eight years. During this time you may experience different menopause symptoms. You will also find that they fluctuate in their intensity. It is important to share with family members what you are experiencing, and why this is happening. It will make it a lot easier for you to cope with what you are feeling at any given time. It can also help to relieve some of the stress that comes with menopause.

The best way to keep the doors of communication open is to start by educating your family members. As soon as you have confirmed that you have started into menopause the first discussion you may want to have is just a general conversation about it. You want to inform the family that you are going into a new transition in your life which is menopause. Some of the family will have good knowledge about this while others may be vague and have some questions. Some of the common questions they may ask are….

  • How long is it going to last?
  • How will it affect you?
  • Are you going to be sick with it?
  • Will you be able to do the things you normally do?
  • How is it going to affect me?
  • Do we have to change the way we do things?

You will need to have the basic answers regarding these questions. The general answer to all of these will be, that it is all going to depend on what symptoms you end up with and their severity.

As you progress through your menopause, you will most likely have to have additional discussions with each family member on a “one to one” basis. This will be the time when you are dealing with specific menopause symptoms that may affect each family member differently.

If you don’t communicate with your family regarding this time in your life then you are going to be dealing with more stress.

Additional Menopause Stress

family stress and menopause

Based on the many different symptoms that Menopause can create this can also lead to anxiety.  This anxiety is often merely considered stress as a result of the symptoms. It is not always present as a menopause symptom in itself. The reason for this is because many of the symptoms can interfere with your daily lifestyle. This can affect different members of your family. Here are some examples…..

Change In Moods

You may find that one of the symptoms you have to deal with is a change in your moods. One minute you seem happy then for no reason you become sad, or your temper becomes short. This is difficult to deal with when you are around other family members because they observe your mood change. They don’t know what has happened. They may feel that it was something they said or did. This makes it stressful for you because now their mood has changed in a negative way.  You know that you instigated this, but there seems to be nothing you can do about it.

Variations Of Mood Swings

  • Sad
  • Happy
  • Irritable
  • No motivation
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Argumentative

Who In The Family Is Affected By Mood Swings?

menopause can create unsettled family life

You will find your partner is going to be affected by your mood swings, and if you have children they will be too. Most likely they are adolescents or young adults. If they are still living at home then they are going to be subjected to your mood swings.

What Can You Do About Your Mood Swings?

Knowing that menopause is the cause of them will at least reduce the worry and concerns about what is creating them, which will help. Then you may want to see if there is a pattern to them or certain circumstances that trigger them, for example….

You may find that when the house is getting cluttered it bothers you, whereas it never used to.  The habits the family members may have formed like dropping their jackets on the back of a chair will irritate you now. Your family may not understand why all of a sudden this is a problem when it never used to be. This is where communication comes into play.

Some of the triggers for the mood swings will be easier to identify than others. Once you know what these are then it’s time for a family talk again. Explain to the family that your irritability seems to be one of the menopause symptoms you are going to have to deal with. Talk to your family about the triggers you have identified. You can discuss this with your family and perhaps talk about the triggers that you know about.

When you do this you are allowing your family to participate in your well-being. At least they don’t feel helpless in assisting you in this time of your life. They also have a better understanding that it’s not them that is the cause of your irritability. They realize it may be some old habit that is bothering you that can be corrected.

You also have to work on a compromise. There just may be some causes of your mood swings that cannot be changed. In this case, you have to start developing coping mechanisms to help you through them.

Sleep Deprivation

family affected by menopause sleep deprivation

One common problem that many menopausal women have to deal with is changes in their sleep pattern. Again, as with any of the other symptoms, this one can range in severity.

Common Sleep Disorders During Menopause

  1. Not being able to fall asleep in a decent amount of time
  2. Waking up after short spurts of sleep
  3. Waking up too early
  4. Not feeling like you got a good night’s sleep
  5. Night sweats
  6. Breathing disorders that affect sleep
  7. Discomforts such as aches and pains

These are considered to be the most common complaints and they are backed with studies to confirm that they can be caused by menopause. There are other less common ones which may be suspected to occur or worsen through menopause which can include….

  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Pre-existing conditions may worsen

Sleep disorders can be so significant in menopausal women that it has garnered quite a bit of attention from the medical society. The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine has written a very interesting article on Menopause Related Sleep Disorders.

The Side Effects to Menopause Sleep Disorders

family affected by menopause sleep symptoms

Anyone that has difficulty dealing with sleep disorders knows that it brings some additional problems as a result of them. Not getting enough sleep can play havoc on an individual both mentally and physically. It can dramatically affect their lifestyle.

Common Side Effects

  1. Sluggish and tired feeling with no energy
  2. Lowers your immune system
  3. Some studies suggest sleep deprivation can contribute to weight gain
  4. Affects cognitive functions
  5. Mental issues such as mood swings and not being able to concentrate
  6. Some women can become more accident prone

These are just a few examples, and each of these can lead to some additional negative side effects. At the same time, these are the additional symptoms that you are now having to deal with that may be affecting your family.

No Energy

As a family, no doubt there are many activities that you like to enjoy together. Many women are sports Moms. You probably still enjoy attending the kid’s sports games and other activities with them, even though they are in their teen years. You may be finding this difficult to do now because you may be lacking energy. This could be because you are not getting enough sleep. There are some things you just cannot do during the day. Something has to go, and most likely your participation in family activities is going to suffer. This is especially true if you are a working woman. You have to make sacrifices and this is difficult for you and the family.

You may have to become creative in the ways that you can compensate for your reduction in activities. Think about events that are coming up ahead of time. If it is one that is really important, then you may want to plan on taking a vacation day from work just prior to the event.  This way, you can get more rest. When you are dealing with menopause sleep disorders you are going to have to become far more astute at pre-planning for attending activities.

Sleep problems is another topic for discussion that you can have with the family if it is interfering with your lifestyle with them. Encourage family members to help you with household duties that may be draining the limited energy that you do have. This way, if everyone pitches in it’s becoming a family affair with everyone doing their part to help.

Lowered Immune System

Menopausal sleep disorders can be severe or last for a long period of time.  They  eventually can have a negative effect on your immune system. You may find that you are more prone to colds and flu than you have been in the past.

This means you are going to have to take extra preventative measures. You need to ensure that you are getting the proper nutrition. If possible, reduce the amount of time that you may be exposed to the germs that cause colds and flu, especially during the cold and flu seasons. You can help defend yourself against these by not going to high public traffic areas like shopping malls, for example. This may seem extreme, but using a little extra caution is worth it.

Your lowered immune defenses may have some effect on your family in the following ways….

  • You may find yourself having to deal with more colds and flues which will mean it is going to affect your daily life. This is turn could affect your family.
  • You may not be well enough to meet your responsibilities around the home on occasion. Doing things like cooking and cleaning may not be something you can keep up with when you are not feeling well. This means that the kids or your spouse have to take them on. This may be an inconvenience for them.
  • As a result of these occurrences, your family members may become irritable. You now have to deal with their moods.

These lowered immune system side effects create a need for more conversation. The family can help by making sure they are not over exposing themselves to others that have colds and flues. This helps to reduce the germs being brought into the house.

In most cases, this type of situation is only something that has to be of a real concern during certain times of the year. It is something that families that aren’t even dealing with menopause have to cope with.

Additional Menopause Symptoms That Can Affect the Family

Many of the menopause symptoms that you could experience have a dramatic impact on your physical appearance. Most women take a great deal of pride in the way they look, and anything that interferes with this is stressful.

Some Common Changes In Appearance During Menopause

family dealing with menopause appearance changes


Your body is going through changes during menopause. These changes affect different parts of your body including your hair. You may find that it is beginning to thin out.


One problem that some women have during menopause is that their skin tends to become oily. In some cases, this can lead to acne. Menopausal women often find that their skin is more sensitive to the sun. An additional problem can be some changes in the pigmentation of the skin.

Weight Issues

Some women will gain weight through menopause. Others have to deal with bloating which they feel makes them appear fat.

The Menopause Physical Change Effects on the Family

couples dealing with menopause

Most likely the appearance changes that are taking place during your menopause years will not have that much of a direct impact on the kids. For you, these physical changes may have a severe impact on you. This may also have more of an effect on your spouse.

One of the symptoms that you may be experiencing is a low sex drive. This is because of the changes in hormones that are taking place. This is difficult for your spouse who wants to have a loving relationship with you on all levels including sex.

Chances are you don’t feel good about your physical appearance, and you are also dealing with the mental aspects of a low libido. It is a difficult time for you to become mentally committed to your sexual relationship. This is because you are dealing with both physical and mental symptoms. Additional physical symptoms can be vaginal dryness and urinary tract inflammations.

Your spouse is well aware that you are going through menopause. Additional private talks with your partner can really help both of you during this time. Inform your spouse about how the physical changes are affecting you.  This will allow your partner to be more sensitive to what you are feeling. It gives your partner the chance to reaffirm his love for you. Your partner can affirm that his love is not based on your physical appearance. For those physical symptoms such as vaginal dryness and urinary problems, you should be able to get help from your health care provider to help deal with these.

Each Family Member is Different

menopause years and helping the family to cope

Every family member will react differently to your menopause transition as it affects them personally. It is important for you to realize that menopause is a family affair in that affects everyone you live with.

Open communication and a good understanding on everyone’s part of what menopause is will be important. It will make this time of transition much easier for everyone to deal with.

  • March 30, 2017